Artbrew is the beer making machine your smart home needed
Smart home appliances are slowly but surely starting to help people achieve their goals and wishes. Artbrew is the latest addition to the beverage making machines and it certainly looks the part, both inside and out. If you ever wanted to brew your own beer and share / sell the recipe to others, Artbrew says it's got you covered.
While not the first beer making system launched, ArtBrew has a couple of tricks up its sleeve that even its competitors, Brewie and Zymantic's PicoBrew, currently lack.

The brewing process
Ease of use is a must for any beverage making system or machine and the company has spend a lot of time perfecting the product. As with most beer making systems the process is described to be incredibly simple: gather your materials, select your beer type, load the materials and press start.
It's never as easy as it sounds but if the company delivers on its promises, it just might be the beer making machine your smart home needed.
The craft beer making machine features a LCD screen, from which you can simply select the beer type you would like to brew, by either opting for a pre-existing recipe from the Artbrew library or creating your own custom recipe via the company's app.
Every beer recipe has its own specific ingredients, including malts, hops, and yeast but regardless of recipe the machine can only brew approximately 5.5 liters at a time. The good news is you can not only choose Artbrew's high quality Artpacks, but they can also source their own ingredients from local brewers and markets.
Depending on the recipe it can take up to 3 weeks for your beer to be ready for drinking. The Artbrew recipe library currently lists a range of beer recipes including Pilsners, IPAs, Porters, Weizens, Lagers, Stouts etc.

The Artbrew app
Artbrew couldn't be taken seriously as a smart home appliance if it didn't come with an app filled with loads of sliders, buttons and settings to fill out, now could it?
The app will let you monitor the brew time, brew phase, temperature, and even modify the temperature and time during brewing. The user interface is intuitive and easy-to-use with sliding scales for variables such as alcohol content, bitterness, flavor profile and more.
Out of all the notifications you can ever receive, getting one about completing your first beer has to be in the TOP 10.
The app will also let you share recipes, invite your friends to taste your own craft beer, and even sell your recipes to other users! The Artbrew team will test your recipe before verifying and releasing it to the Artbrew Market.

The Kickstarter campaign
The beer making machine is currently available via their Kickstarter campaign. If you're interested purchasing the product, pricing for the beer making machine starts at 469$ with an estimated retail price of $989.
Even at full retail price the Artbrew is almost half the asking price of its competition and other beverage making machines, like the GranBaristo Avanti, which we will present in future article.
At the time of writing this article, the product has achieved its funding goal of $100,000, reaching $133,625. Cheers to that!
Photography & video courtesy of Artbrew & Kickstarter