You'll probably spend less time working and more time staring at this mesmerizing ferrofluid sculpture
Ferrofluid sculptures are slowly becoming the coolest things that you can place on a desk.
While other devices let you achieve cool shapes by waving magnets, Ferroflow is the first fully automatic ferrofluid sculpture.

Ferroflow utilizes the properties of ferrofluid ( a liquid that becomes strongly magnetized ) by generating large magnetic fields in order to make amazing organic shapes and fluid movements.
Ferroflow's interactivity means you'll probably spend less time working and more time staring at your custom creations. The proverb "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" certainly comes to mind.

Available with blue/purple color-shifting ferrofluid inside, the sculpture is powered by a standard 5v power adapter and a USB power cord, which is also included for portable use.
After a successful Kickstarter campaign, the company plans to sell additional models to the public. So if you want one of these mesmerizing ferrofluid sculptures you'll have to sign up on their website and wait, for now.
Photography & video courtesy of Ferroflow